
Available Options of Electric Vibrator

While not all options of Electric Vibrator are available for all sizes or all types, we can accommodate most requirements. This is a list of our most commonly requested options.
Long Stroke: Available on limited sizes, long stroke Electric Vibrator can be mounted on the same mounting plate as their standard counterparts, but feature a higher force output. This is useful in retrofits requiring higher force than the existing model can provide. For a chart of possible retrofits (including other brands), view our Long Stroke Retrofit Chart. 
Tefkote: This is an internal coating that allows piston Electric Vibrator to be used without lubrication. It is useful when Electric Vibrator will be used in an environment where exhaust air containing lubricants is undesirable, such as food and pharmaceutical manufacturing, or anywhere that personnel will be in close proximity. This option also provides protection from high temperature environments, allowing piston Electric Vibrator to be used on mounting surfaces may be hotter than normal due to process or material temperature. The Tefkote option is available on most of our piston Electric Vibrator sizes and types, including IMP, AC, SI, QI, QSI bin vibrators, and HCV and QMC railcar vibrators.
Start Springs: Start Springs are used to ensure that a Electric Vibrator's piston returns to the start position when the air source is turned off. This option should only be used when a Electric Vibrator is mounted such that the piston is within 20 degrees of horizontal. Otherwise, gravity will pull the piston back into the proper position, and the spring is not needed.
Tapped exhaust is useful when exhaust air is not ideal in the immediate area of the Electric Vibrator. With the tapped exhaust option, you are able to attach tubing or piping to the threaded exhaust port in the Electric Vibrator, and route it to an alternate location. Some larger models may require dual tapped exaust.
External Coatings: Houston Electric Vibrator offers special corrosion-resistant or food-grade external coatings upon request.

